Sunday, November 6, 2016

Blog J

       Blog J


Last semester, I did accomplish a lot, and that is the whole point of why I should start a digital          portfolio.
(2) Tech Tool 11.1, can give me ideas and resources in building a digital portfolio. The author stated, I have two choices in my design, do-it-yourself or premade design. Not sure, which one I will do but I will most likely try both.
TaskStream – is a digital tool used in web design. This software provides me with design options and two options for access ability. One would be for the world to see and the other could be for a specified closed community. I would choose the closed community.  
iLife – “After importing photo images into the latest versions of iPhone, iMovie, IDVD, or

iWeb, you can add text, titles, keywords, and sound effects to your photographs and digital video

files. Combining a variety of print and digital archives, you can manipulate your portfolio with

 sound effects and professional-quality cinematography features” (Maloy, Verock-O’Loughlin,

Edward, 2013, pp. 280).

Apps – There are a number of user-friendly, social media apps for sharing information.
·      Webshots - ( works a lot like Facebook. I can view my friends online photo album; I can also share or order prints of my own photos.
·      Issuu – ( and myebook ( Both of these are publishing sites. That can help turn my word documents into an internet magazine or e-album.
·      MixBook ( By mixing my photos, audio and video I can use  this website to design a multimedia scrapbook or a virtual e-book.
·      PikiWiki - ( Free, hosting site where I can customize interface to include audio and video recording options.
(3) Creating a digital portfolio will be an excellent way for me to reflect on my past work. By doing a self-assessment I will be able to find my strengths, weaknesses, and what works and what needs to be changed. The whole idea behind a digital portfolio is for me to promote growth and identify what needs to be changed or maintained as I gain knowledge in my teaching profession.    

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Laughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edward, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies, 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Portfolio [Digital image]. (n.d.). Retrieved November 06, 2016, from

Illustration of a Cartoon Light Bulb Mascot with a Bright Idea [Digital image]. (n.d.). Retrieved November 06, 2016, from

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